Sunday, July 15, 2012

Project Intro

Freshly back from my year long hiatus, I've been enjoying the new additions, and been hard at work on a couple of new builds,

When I saw the new height limit I started revisiting the various ideas I had had in Beta but couldn't really pull off with only 128 height to work with.

I remembered something I saw on ImDeity last year. I don't remember who built it, and I never saw it finished, but it did inspire me at the time. He told me he was building A town in a glass dome high above the ground. I thought that was Pretty Cool!

When I thought back to this idea, I knew it was perfect for the new height limit, so I started thinking about Shapes and Sizes. After trying out a few ideas, I thought back to the build that inspired me, At the time I thought it kinda looked like a water tower, but was only the town, no water. So I thought about Combining the two. I decided on building a Town inside a Giant Water Tower.

SkyWater is the result.

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